Oscar (Roy) Killian and Victoria
(Pogrzeba) Family
Oscar (Roy) Killian, son of Mathias
Killian and Rosalie Gandyra, was born Aug. 04, 1876, in
North Creek, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin, where he died 22 Mar 1914. He is
buried in Saint Michaels Cemetery, Pine Creek, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin. Rochus married Victoria
Pogrzeba in 1893, in North Dakota. She was born 5 Oct 1877, in
Germany, and she died 7 Mar 1962, in Winona, Minnesota. Victoria is buried in
Saint Marys Cemetery, Winona, Winona Co., Minnesota. Their children were:
1-Amelia Killian,
reportedly born in North Dakota and died in infancy.
2-Carl Killian,
reportedly born in North Dakota and died in infancy.
3-Catherine (Katie)
Killian, born 21 Mar 1899, in North
Dakota, died 1 Feb 1986, in Whitehall, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin. She is buried
in Saint Peter and Paul Cemetery, Independence, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin.
Catherine married Herman Paul Wolfe who was born 7 Apr 1897, in
Wisconsin, and who died 1955 in Independence. He is buried with his wife. Their
children, as confirmed by the 1940 Federal Census, are:
Evelyn M. Wolfe,
born 26 Oct 1920, in Independence, where she died 14 Feb 1998. Evelyn is
buried in Saint Peter and Paul Cemetery, Independence.
Bernelle Anne
(Birdie) Wolfe, born 28 Jul 1924,
in Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin, and died 21 Dec 2014, in Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Co., Wisconsin. She is buried in Saint Adalberts Cemetery, Milwaukee.
Bernelle married in 1948 at Independence to Edwin F. Adamczyk,
who was born 20 Jun 1920, in Wisconsin, and died 28 Feb 2010, in Milwaukee.
He is buried with Bernelle. The following is an edited version of Edwin's
obituary, followed by an edited version of Bernelle's obituary;
For the first time in more
than 70 years, Eddie Adamczyk won't be helping with sausage sales this
Easter. Adamczyk made the family business - Adamczyk Foods - an institution
in Cudahy. Polish sausage is a big seller, especially at Christmas and
Easter, but lots of succulent brats and Italian, Hungarian and other
sausages fly out the door, too ... . Edwin died suddenly Sunday of
complications from pneumonia. He was 89 ... The Adamczyk family moved to
Cudahy when Eddie was 5. His father, Anton, began the store in 1925. He left
Cudahy High School after his sophomore year and the death of his father ...
he had to help the business ... he was drafted during World War II, training
as a field paramedic, and he served stateside and in Alaska and the Aleutian
He also met the former Bernelle Wolfe after the
war, while delivering meat to a Cudahy restaurant. After veterans returned,
she'd lost her factory job at Ladish and was working as a waitress ... In
1948 they married in the little Trempealeau County town where her family
lived. "I lost my independence in Independence," he liked to say ...
Together, they were the mom-and-pop team of the store, located at 3700 E.
Hammond Ave. Adamczyk Foods sells some other grocery items, but is best
known for its sausages and other meats. "Meat," Adamczyk would say, "is our
bread and butter."
Bernelle Anne Adamczyk "Birdie" (nee Wolfe) of
Cudahy. Formerly of Independence, WI, died on December 21, 2014 at age 90.
She was the beloved wife of Edwin F. Eddie often said "I picked a
great gal from the farm". They had been married 62 years before Eddie's
death in 2010. Mrs. Adamczyk worked with her husband and son at Adamczyk
Foods in Cudahy. She loved the people that shopped at the store and
especially the children that shopped at the stores candy counter. She was
active with the Cudahy Homemaker's Club and was Honored with The Generations
of Pride in Cudahy in 2007 by The Cudahy Chamber Of Commerce. She loved
sending cheer-up cards to friends and relatives and enjoyed her many trips
to Hawaii.
Birdie is the dear sister of Donald Wolfe, Leonard
(Bernice), and Jean (Rodney) Moen.
Leonard H. Wolfe,
born 4 Jan 1927, in Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin.
Donald R. Wolfe,
born 25 Oct 1933, in Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin, and died 4 Nov 2015, in
Blair, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin. He is buried in Saint Michaels Cemetery,
Pine Creek.
Jean Wolfe,
born 1937 in Trempealeau
Co., Wisconsin.
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Herman Wolf Respondent: Yes Age: 43
Estimated birth year: abt 1897 Gender: Male Race: White Birthplace:
Wisconsin Marital Status: Married Relation to Head of House: Head Home in
1940: Burnside, Trempealeau, Wisconsin Farm: Yes Inferred Residence in 1935:
Burnside, Trempealeau, Wisconsin Residence in 1935: Same House, Wisconsin
Resident on farm in 1935: Yes Sheet Number: 5B Number of Household in Order
of Visitation: 72 Occupation: Farmer Industry: Farm House Owned or Rented:
Owned Attended School or College: No Highest Grade Completed: High School,
2nd year Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 60 Class of Worker: Working on
own account Weeks Worked in 1939: 52:
Herman Wolf 43, Head, Born Wisconsin, Farmer
Catherine Wolf 41, Wife, Born North Dakota
Evelyn Wolf 19, Daughter, Born Wisconsin
Bernelle Wolf 15, Daughter, Born Wisconsin
Lenard Wolf 13, Son, Born Wisconsin
Donald Wolf 6, Son, Born Wisconsin
Jean Wolf 3, Daughter, Born Wisconsin
4-Louis Andrew Killian,
born 24 Aug 1900, in Nirth Dakota, died 10 Apr 1964, in Winona, Winona Co.,
5-Joseph W. Killian,
born 11 Sep 1902, in North Dakota, and died 28 Apr 1983, in Winona. Joseph
married on 20 Nov 1954, in Winona, to Adeline Marie Lafka, who
was born 17 Jun 1917. in Wisconsin and died 2 Jan 1978, in Winona. Joseph and
Adeline are buried in Saint Marys Cemetery, Winona. Adeline had a prevoius
marriage to Harry Verdick
6-Albert P. Killian,
born 30 Jan 1905, in North Dakota, died 22 Mar 1972, in La Crosse, La Crosse
Co., Wisconsin. He is buried in Saint Boniface Cemetery, Waumandee, Buffalo Co.,
Wisconsin. Albert married in Wisconsin on 23 Oct 1929, to Mary A.
Mueller, daughter of Peter Nicholas and Agatha Mueller, who was born 19
Feb 1904, in Montana Twp., Buffalo Co., Wisconsin, and who died 22 Mar 1959, in
Waumandee, Buffalo Co., Wisconsin (although this has been disputed as being
Arcadia, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin). She is buried with her husband in Saint
Boniface Cemetery. Two known children:
Ruth Mary Killian, born
11 Oct 1934, in Wisconsin, and died 25 Nov 2003,
in Tomah, Monroe Co., Wisconsin. On 26 Oct 1957, at LaCrosse, LaCrosse Co.,
Wisconsin, Ruth married Doctor Albert S. Daniells, who was
born 17 Jan 1928, in India, and who died 26 Apr 1979, at Tomah. Both are
buried in Saint Marys Cemetery, Tomah. Accorfing to Social Security
Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, Ruthès name was listed as such -
in Sep 1952 RUTH MARY KILLIAN ; in Nov 1957 RUTH MAR DANIELLS ; on 20 May
James Albert (Jim) Killian, born 28
Aug 1940, in Winona Co., Minnesota, and died 5 Aug 1994, in Carver Co.,
Minnesota. He is buried in Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis,
Hennepin Co., Minnesota. James married married Debra Ann Osgoode
on 6 Jul 1968, at LaCrosse, LaCrosse Co., Wisconsin.
7-Eleanore Bernice
(Laura) Killian, born 1908 in North
Dakota, married Roy R. Lewis who was born 1905 in Missouri.
8-Robert R. Killian,
born 30 Jul 1911, at Cayuga, Sargent Co., North Dakota, and died 10 Apr 1966, at
LaCrosse. He married Eleanor Elizabeth Bautch who was born 12
Feb 1914, in Independence, and who died 14 Sep 1983. in Minneapolis. She is
buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota. They had one
cknow child as verified in the 1940 Federal Census:
Roger Robert Killian, born 4 Mar
1938, in Independence, and died 7 Sep 1991, at Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co.,
Minnesota. He is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Trempealeau, Trempealeau
Co., Wisconsin. According to information on his headstone, Roger married
Mary Ann and they had the following children - Pam, Penny, Pat, Paula and
Robert Killian and Eleanore (Bautch) Killian in the
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Robert Killian Age: 28 Estimated birth year: abt
1912 Gender: Male Race: White Birthplace: Wisconsin Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head Home in 1940: Montana, Buffalo, Wisconsin Farm:
Yes Inferred Residence in 1935: Montana, Buffalo, Wisconsin Residence in 1935:
Same Place Resident on farm in 1935: Yes Sheet Number: 3A Number of Household in
Order of Visitation: 45 Occupation: Operator House Owned or Rented: Owned Value
of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 800 Attended School or College: No Highest
Grade Completed: Elementary school, 8th grade Hours Worked Week Prior to Census:
80 Class of Worker: Working on own account Weeks Worked in 1939: 52 Income Other
Sources: Yes:
Robert Killian 28, Headn, Born Wisconsin, Operator-farm
Eleanor Killian 26, Wifen, Born Wisconsin
Roger Killian 2, Son, Born Wisconsin
Rochus Oscar Killian
and Victoria H. (Pogrzeba) Killian Family Information
1910 Federal
1920 Federal
1930 Federal
1940 Federal
Record for Rochus Killian
Guardianship Papers
in Estate of Mathias Killian
Death Records for Rochus Oscar
Death Records for
Victoria (Pogrzeba) Killian
1910 Federal
Born 1875 Wisconsin Home in 1910: Wolford,
Pierce, North Dakota Race: White Gender: Male Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Victoria Kellian Father's Birthplace:
Germany Mother's Birthplace: Germany Neighbors: Household Members:
Oscar Killian, Age 35, Born Wisconsin, Married
17 years, Parents born Germany, Farmer
Victoria Killian, Age 32, Born Germany, Married
17 years, Parents born Germany
Kate Killian, Age 11, Born North Dakota
Loue Killian. Age 9, Born North Dakota
Joe Killian, Age 7, Born North Dakota
Albert Killian, Age 5, Born North Dakota
Laura Killian, Age 3, Born North Dakota
John Porgrab, Age 20, Born Wisconisn, Labourer
Federal Census
Name: Mrs. Victoria Killian Age: 41 Birth Year:
abt 1879 Birthplace: Germany Home in 1920: Montana, Buffalo, Wisconsin House
Number: Farm Race: White Immigration Year: 1885 Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Widowed; Father's Birthplace: Germany Mother's Birthplace:
Germany Native Tongue: Polish Able to Speak English: Yes Occupation: farm
operator Industry: General Farm Employment Field: Own Account Home Free or
Mortgaged: Mortgaged Naturalization Status: Naturalized Neighbors: View others
on page:
Victoria Killian, Age 41, Born Germany, Farmer,
Louis Killian, Age 19, Born North Dakota, Farm
Labourer, Polish
Joseph Killian, Age 17, Born North Dakota, Farm
Labourer, Polish
Albert Killian, Age 14, Born North Dakota, Farm
Laboure, Polishr
Eleanor Killian, Age 12, Born North Dakota,
Farm Labourer, Polish
Robert Killian, Age 8, Born North Dakota,
Federal Census
Victoria H Killian - [Victoria V ??Lin] Birth
Year: abt 1879 Gender: Female Race: White Birthplace: Germany Marital Status:
Widowed Relation to Head of House: Head Homemaker?: Yes Home in 1930: Montana,
Buffalo, Wisconsin Map of Home: Dwelling Number: 21 Family Number: 23 Radio Set:
No Lives on Farm: Yes Age at First Marriage: 19 Attended School: No Able to Read
and Write: Yes Father's Birthplace: Germany Mother's Birthplace: Germany
Language Spoken: Polish Immigration Year: 1887 Naturalization: Naturalized Able
to Speak English: Yes Occupation: Farmer Industry: Farm Class of Worker: Working
on own account Employment: Yes Household Members:
Victoria H Killian, Age 51, Born Germany,
Polish, Farmer, Polish
Robert R Killian, Age 18,Born North Dakota,
Farm Labourer
*Living next door to Albert P. Killian and his
wife and in-laws.
Federal Census
Name: Victoria Killian Age: 63 Estimated birth
year: abt 1877 Gender: Female Race: White Birthplace: Germany Marital Status:
Widowed Relation to Head of House: Head Home in 1940: Montana, Buffalo,
Wisconsin Map of Home in 1940: Farm: Yes Inferred Residence in 1935: Montana,
Buffalo, Wisconsin Residence in 1935: Same Place Resident on farm in 1935: Yes
Citizenship: Naturalized Sheet Number: 6A Number of Household in Order of
Visitation: 95 Occupation: Operator House Owned or Rented: Owned Value of Home
or Monthly Rental if Rented: 600 Attended School or College: No Hours Worked
Week Prior to Census: 76 Class of Worker: Employer Weeks Worked in 1939: 52
Income Other Sources: Yes Household Members:
Victoria Killian, Age 63, Born Germany, Farm
Joseph Killian, Age 37. Born Wisconsin, Farm
Record for Rochus Killian
Also known as Roche
Church records from Sts Peter & Paul RC Parish, PO Box 428, 308 Osseo Road,
Independence, Wisconsin 54747, May 2, 1989: Rochus Kilian, born August 1876
(4th), parents Mathae Killian & Rosa Gandera
Guardianship Papers
in Estate of Mathias Killian
Wisconsin, Wills and Probate Records, 1800-1987
Name: Matys Kilian
Probate Date: 5 Mar 1889
Probate Place: Trempealeau, Wisconsin, USA
Inferred Death Year: Abt 1889
Inferred Death Place: Wisconsin, USA
Item Description: Probate Case Files, No. 551, Cont-615, 1887-1889
NOTE - on the Guardianship Papers is written - I do hereby consent to act as a
special guardian for Hedwig Kilian, Elizabeth Kilian, Oscar Kilian, Mary Kilian,
Katie Kilian and Albert Kilian , the minors named in the foregoing order and
heirs of Matys Kilian dec__ in the proceedings upon the petition of Thomas
Matchey administrator of the estate of the said Matys Kilian deceased for an
order or judgement of fiscal? settlement and distribution of said estate, Dated
August 10, 1889, signed by J.A. Rainey
Death Records for Rochus Oscar
Information taken from readable
grave markers in St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church Cemetery, North
Creek, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin as contributed on May 12, 2002, by Cathleen
Jo Cieminski-Faruque:
KILLIAN, Roy O. August 4, 1875 - March 22, 1914.
Cemetery records compiled by William H. Krause, 1562 N.
119th Street, Wauwastosa, Wisconsin 53226; Roy O. 4 Aug 1875-22 Mar 1914
Find a Grave - Roy O Killian
Birth: Aug. 4, 1875
Death: Mar. 22, 1914
Saint Michaels Cemetery Pine Creek Trempealeau County
Wisconsin, USA
Created by: James Seidelman Record added: Oct 30, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial # 31005370
Death Records for
Victoria (Pogrzeba) Killian
Minnesota, Death Index,
Name: Victoria Killian Birth Date: 5 Oct 1877 Death
Date: 7 Mar 1962 Death County: Olmsted Mother's Maiden Name: Kuchera State File
Number: 012708 Certificate Number: 012708 Certificate Year: 1962 Record Number:
Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Victoria Killian
Birth Date: 1877
Death Date: 1962
Cemetery: Saint Marys Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Winona, Winona County,
Minnesota, USA
Has Bio?: N
