Hedwig (Hattie) Killian
and Bernard (Barney) Pollom
Hedwig (Hattie) Killian,
daughter of Mathias Killian and Rosalie Gandyra, was born in Sep 1872 in Wisconsin, She died 16 Sep 1916, in St. Paul, Alberta,
Canada, the wife of Bernard (Barney) Pollom (he
born 24 May 1874, in Minnesota, and died 30 April 1938, in St. Paul, Alberta).
They were married on 16 Nov 1896, in Perham, Otter Tail Co., Minnesota, and
after Hedwig's death, Barney remarried to Mary Lewko on 19 Feb 1917, at St.
Paul, Alberta. Their family is verified in the following census records:
1905 Minnesota Territorial
and State Census:
Name: Hedwick
Pollom, Census Date: 14 Jun 1905, County: Otter Tail, Locality: Perham, Birth
Location: Wisconsin, Gender: Female, Estimated birth year: abt 1871, Race:
White, Father's Birth Location: Poland, Mother's Birth Location: Poland, Roll:
MNSC_140, Page 186:
Pollom, Barnart, Age
32, Born Minnesota, Day labourer
Pollom, Hedwick, Age
34, Born Wisconsin, In state 12 years
Pollom, Antony, Age
8, Born Minnesota
Pollom, Larence, Age
5, Born Canada
Pollom, Clara, Age
4, Born Canada
Pollom, Maike, Age
2, Born Canada
Pollom, Regina, Age
1 month, Born Minnesota
1911 Federal Census,
Victoria District, Alberta, Page 12, District 7, Sub district 44, Household 118:
Poloson Barnard M
Head M May 1875 36, Farmer, Born USA
Poloson Hatty F Wife
M Sep 1872 38. Born USA
Poloson Anthony M
Son S Jan 1897 14, Born USA
Poloson Laurence M
Son S Jun 1899 11, Born Saskatchewan
Poloson Clara F
Daughter S Aug 1900 10, Born Saskatchewan
Poloson Micheal M
Son S Sep 1902 8, Born Saskatchewan
Poloson Regina F
Daughter S Apr 1905 6, Born USA
The surname is
spelled incorrectly in the index, but appears as Polom in the census image.
Children born to Bernard Pollom and Hedwig
1-Anthony Michael
Pollom, born 7 Jan 1898, in
Perham, and died 10 Aug 1938, in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota. He is
buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Minneapolis. In 1922 Anthony married
Virginia Beatrice Crandall, who was born 1 Dec 1904, at Saint Paul,
Ramsey Co., Minnesota, where she died 27 Mar 1932. She is buried with her
husband. Anthony and Hedwig had six known children:
Donald Anthony Pollom, born 25 May 1924, in Ramsey Co.,
Minnesota, and died in Minnesota on 31 Oct 2009. In the 1940 United States
Federal Census, Donald was age 16 and living in the Catholic Orphan
Asylum For Boys in Minneapolis.
Alice Mable Pollom, born 23 Nov 1925, in Minnesota, and
died 21 Oct 1998, in Minneapolis. She married Walter Norris Thompson,
who was born 14 Mar 1918, in Minnesota, and who died 5 Nov 1981, in
Koochiching Co., Minnesota. Both are buried in Sunset Memorial Park
Cemetery, Minneapolis.
Walter's edited obituary reads: Walter was born in the family log home on
the Sturgeon River homestead ... as a youth, Walter used a slingshot to put
food on the table, often partridge. When Walter was young, he was playing
with some dynamite caps he found in a neighbor's shed. His sister Martha
warned him not to play with them, since one might explode, but he ignored
her. A cap exploded when he used a nail to probe into it and blew off his
thumb, forefinger and injured his index finger. Depite this handicap, Walter
became a dead shot, putting venison on the table of the homestead.
Walter was good at school, particularly in English, was imaginative and able
to compose essays, and liked to write poetry ... Walter was drafted on
July 23, 1942, while he was in college studying engineering ... he was
placed in the electrical unit on an island in the Pacific ... after the war,
Walter didn't return to college and instead got a job at Honeywell in
Minneapolis, where he ran a turret lath ... he bought a house and
fixed it up ... he hired Alice Pollom to help take care of his mother.
Later, he married Alice ... though Walter was the man of the house, Alice
was a very nice and a generous, hospitable person ... when he was ill,
Walter agreed that his wife should not inherit the homestead as it would
wind up with her relatives ... Walter died before the land transfer was
completed, so Alice signed it over to Linda Foley, who transferred it to her
daughter Jane. Her daughter Jane arranged the deed so that the family shares
the land and it will likely never be sold.
Raymond Laurence Pollom, born 15 Oct 1926, in Ramsey Co.,
Minnesota, and died 19 Sep 1998, in Westminster, Adams Co., Colorado. On 21
Aug 1948, at Saint Paul, Minnesota, Raymond married Joyce Eloise
Pederson, daughter of Richard Martin Pederson and Thea
Anderson, who was born 19 Aug 1929, at MacGregor, Atkin Co., Minnesota, and
who died 7 Apr 1994, at Thornton, Adams Co., Colorado. Both are buried in
Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver, Denver Co., Colorado. In the 1940
United States Federal Census, Raymond was age 14 and living in the
Catholic Orphan Asylum For Boys in Minneapolis.
Richerd Charles Pollom, was born 25 May 1928, in Ramsey
Co., Minnesota, and died 19 May 1965, at Denver, Denver Co., Colorado. On 18
Nov 1961, in Hennepin Co., Minnesota , He is buried in Fort Logan National
Cemetery, Denver. Richard married Marjorie Florence Milbrandt,
daughter of Albert H. Milbrandt and Elsie Jahn, who was born 25 Sep 1941, in
Big Stone Co., Minnesota. In the 1940 United States Federal Census, Richard
was age 12 and living in the Catholic Orphan Asylum For Boys in
Ruth Regina Pollom, was born 8 Jun 1930, in Saint Paul,
Minnesota, and died 13 Apr 1998, at St. Louis Park, Minnesota. She is buried
in Shakopee Catholic Cemetery, Shakopee, Scott Co., Minnesota. On 10 Jan
1959, likely in Minnesota, she married Robert Arthur William Fideldy,
son of Arthur S. Fideldy and Hazel Anderson, was born 21 May 1936, in
Minnesota. They later divorced.
Noreen Virginia Pollom, born 5 Jul 1931, in Ramsey Co.,
2-Laurence Patrick
Pollom, born 20 Jun 1899, in Saskatchewan, died 3 Jan 1975, in
Daysland, Alberta. He is buried in Daysland Cemetery, Daysland. In 1924 Laurence
married Agnes Demskie who was born 5 Feb 1909, in Saskatchewan,
and who died 30 Jul 1937, in Edmonton, Alberta. She is buried in Edmonton
Municipal Cemetery, Edmonton. The following is extracted from Laurence's
Stories taken from the Daysland History Book (printed in
1982) on Barney & Hattie's two sons Lawrence and Michael Pollom.
Lawrence (19) came to Strome in the fall of 1918 to work for Wm. Mohler. He
rented the farm in the spring of 1919 and his brother, Mike, (16) joined him,
bringing their sister, Clara, (17) to cook for them. Another sister, Regina,
visited enough to become known in the area.
The boys were already accomplished horsemen and made breaking and training
horses their business ... Wherever they happened to live, they took an active
part in community affairs. Those engaged in any project could count on the
Pollom' help. Many social or card party and dance was held in their home
wherever it happened to be. Lawrence and Mike were both handy with the boxing
gloves and gave many lessons to the younger fellows ... Lawrence is probably
best known in the Daysland and surrounding area for the many winters that he
traveled with Mohler's portable grain cleaner. He cleaned many thousand of
bushels of all types of grain, getting ready for spring seeding ... Lawrence
married Agnes Demskie in the fall of 1924. They spent the winter in Edmonton but
came back to Daysland area and the Midbo farm in the spring of 1925. On July 30,
1937, Agnes died at the age of 29 years, leaving 5 little boys:
Gerald I. Pollom (born 1924 in
Strome, Alberta). He married Helen Bednarz and worked in
the Drayton Valley area for Schlumberger for a number of years. Gerald and
Helen divorced and he later married Betty (Hawkins) Lindseth,
who was born in 1932 and died 17 Oct 2004, in Daysland. She is buried in
Wavy Lake Cemetery, Daysland.
Raymond Laurence Pollom, born
7 Oct 1927, in Daysland, and died 17 Apr 1965. According to his father's
write-up, Raymond died at an oil project 300 miles north of Adelaide,
Australia. He is buried in Daysland Cemetery, Daysland. Raymond was married
to Dorothy Friesen from Faust.
Kenneth A. Pollom, born 1930 in
Alberta, died 1992 in Daysland, where he is buried in the Daysland Cemetery.
Alfred Roy Pollom, born 14 Dec
1931, in Strome, and died 2007 in Drumheller, Alberta. He is buried in
Drumheller Cemetery, Drumheller. According to his father's write-up, Alfred
spent his life in the oil fields, marrying Marion Freeman.
Frank Reginald Pollom, was born 26
Feb 1934, in Daysland, where he died Frank died 15 Jun 1963. He died
as the result of a car crash and is buried in Daysland Cemetery.
3-Clara Pollom,
born 9 Aug 1900, in Saskatchewan and died 9 Feb 1963, in Edmonton, Alberta. She
is buried in Westlawn Memorial Gardens, Edmonton. Clara married Frank
Herbert Mackett, who was born 1893 in England, and who died Nov 1935,
in Edmonton.
4-Michael Joseph
Pollom, born 20 Sep 1902, in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, and died 17
Jun 1988, in Camrose, Alberta. In 1938 he married Helen Luella Hamilton, who was
born 15 Feb 1921, in Calgary, Alberta, and died 1 May 1971, in Camrose.
I (written by Michael Pollom) moved to Strome and worked
with Lawrence until 1923 on the Mohler farm. From about 1923-1930 both Lawrence
and I were back in Daysland area, renting land from Tom Midbo and the Needles
... We then went back to Strome area and lived on the Vos and Demskie farms.
In 1938 I married Helen Hamilton and we lived on both the Vos and Demskie places
before moving to the Wes Richardson farm north of Killam where we resided until
we moved to Camrose. While living on the Demskie farm we had 6 children (I have
added birth and death dates for deceased children): Luella Pollom
; Marion Pollom ; Rodney Joseph Pollom,
born 29 Dec 1940, in Strome, and died 20 Oct 2005, in Red Deer, Alberta. He is
buried in Killam Cemetery, Killam, Alberta ; Carrol Mae Pollom
; Larry Gordon Pollom, born 10 Jul 1943, in Daysland, died 20
Nov 1954, in Killam. Karry is buried in Killam Cemetery ; Allan David
Pollom, born 28 Jul 1944, in Strome, died 23 Sep 1998, in Killam and is
buried in Killam Cemetery. After moving to the Richardson farm, our family
increased to include Sharon Pollom ; Ginger Pollom
; Errol Clayton Pollom, born 31 Aug 1950, and died 30
Aug 1951, in Killam. He is buried in Killam Cemetery ; Wanda Ann Pollom,
born 29 Jan 1953, in Killam, and died 30 Jan 2006, in Surrey, B.C.
; Randy Pollom ; Roberta Pollom ;
Michael Pollom, died Jun 1989.
My wife passed away in May, 1971 after a lengthy illness battling cancer. Errol
passed away in August 1951 from a fire. Larry passed away November 1954 to a
tragic tractor accident. Mike passed away in June 1989 to congestive heart
failure, Allan passed away in Sept 1998 from a bleeding stomach ulcer, Rodney
passed away in October 2005 to emphysema, and Wanda in January 2006 - Mikes
5-Mary Jane (Regina)
Pollom, born 18 Apr 1905, in Oerham, and died 31 Jan 1976, in
Edmonton, Alberta. She married James M. Stewart who was born
1884 in Ontario and who died 3 Jun 1965, in Edmonton. Both are buried in
Westlawn Memorial Gardens, Edmonton.
Children born to Bernard Pollom and Mary Lewko
Some confirmed in the following
1916 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta:
Name Barney Polum [Barney Pollom]; Gender Male; Marital Status Married; Age 40;
Est. Birth Year 1876; Birthplace U S; Year of immigration 1910; Home in 1916 35,
Battle River, Alberta; Address 58, 9, 4; Racial or Tribal Origin Polomais; Sub
District Desc. Townships 55, 56, 57 and 58, whole or fractional, ranges 7, 8 and
9, W. 4. M., north of the North Saskatchewan River, including the Village of St.
Paul des Métis, Household #44:
Barney Polum 40 Born USA Roman Catholic Polish Farmer
Laurence Polum 17 Born Saskatchewan Roman Catholic Polish
Clara Polum 15 Born Saskatchewan Roman Catholic Polish
Mike Polum 13 Born Saskatchewan Roman Catholic Polish
Mary Jane Polum 11 Born Saskatchewan Roman Catholic Polish
This census shows Barnard married but there is no wife listed.
7-Mary Rosie Pollom, born 15
Oct 1917, in Alberta, died 3 Mar 1980, at a place yet unknown. She married
Michael Turzanski who was born 3 Feb 1915, and died 29 Mar
1984, both events occuring in Canada.
8-Albert Pollom
9-Annie Pollom
10-Stanley Pollom
11-Martha Pollom, born 25 Oct
1919, in Wainright, Alberta, and died Oct 2006 in Kelowna, B.C. She married
Julius Kaplan, who was born in 1913 and who died in 2000. Both
are buried in St. Theresa Roman Catholic Cemetery, Kelowna.
12-Alice Pollom, born 1925 in
Alberta, and died 23 Jul 2012, in Edmonton. She is buried in St. Michael’s
Cemetery, Edmonton. Alice married Peter Sen who was born 5 Jul
1916, in Alberta, and who died 15 Mar 2006, in Innisfree, Alberta. He is buried
in St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, Innisfree. According to he
obituary, On July 23, 2012, Mrs. Alice Sen of Edmonton passed away at the age of
87 years. Alice is survived by one son and one daughter ... three
grandchildren ... one great-grandson ... one brother and one sister, Stanley
Pollom and Annie Wills. Predeceased by her husband, Peter; two sisters, Rose
Turzanski and Martha Kaplan; and three brothers, Joseph Pollom, Albert Pollom,
and Johnny Pollom.
13-John Joseph Pollom, born 2
Jun 1935, in Alberta, and died 12 Oct 1986, at a place as yet to be determined.
